Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome, Thank you and Course Structure

    • A Message from Your Facilitators

    • Why Wayne!

    • How To Use this Course

    • Before we begin...

  • 02

    The Modern Day Goddess

    • Who and What is a Present Day Goddess - Part 1

    • Who and What is a Present Day Goddess - Part 2

    • Who and What is a Present Day Goddess - Part 3

    • How Do We Start to Embody, Integrate and Embrace Our Own Inner Goddess?

    • Let's Begin

  • 03

    Module 1

    • Practice Self-Love

    • Radiate Your Inner Beauty

    • Own Your Voice

    • Write in Your Journal

    • Connect to Nature

    • Survey

  • 04

    Module 2

    • Meditate Daily

    • Tap Into Your Breath

    • Look Into Your Closet

    • The Space Around You

    • Have More Fun

  • 05

    Module 3

    • Create a Life You Love

    • Commune with Your Higher Self

    • Eat High Vibrational Foods

    • Live a Life of Intention

    • Stroke Your Sensual Senses

  • 06

    Module 4

    • Be Creative, Express Yourself

    • Set Boundaries - Saying "No"

    • Pamper Yourself

    • Move Your Body

    • Create a Sacred Altar

  • 07

    Module 5

    • Live in Sync and Flow

    • Do Less, Be More

    • Reverence for Life

    • Living in Congruence with Your Values

    • Embrace Your Sensuality and Sexuality

  • 08

    Module 6

    • Andante, Andante

    • The Attitude of Gratitude

    • Feeling Good in Your Own Skin

    • Join the Sisterhood

    • Sleep Well

    • Close Out

  • 09

    Next Steps...

    • My Inner Goddess ~ A Prose

    • Reconnecting with Our Divine Feminine

    • 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid 2019

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...

    • A last minute added bonus ....

Course Outline

This course is a cohort-based facilitated learning experience. There will be up to 12 Goddesses who will be enrolled in the course alongside you, where you will join a Sisterhood who will support you, as you support them in Reclaiming their Goddess. Below, you will find a description of the course outline:

  • Each week, for 8 weeks, we will join together on Zoom to share our experiences of the previous weeks work. There is therefore 16 hours of directly facilitated learning, however, if you are not able to make a Zoom session, they are recorded and uploaded to the course community page.

  • Each week another module will be automatically unlocked and you will be able to access the next 5 Goddess attributes. There are 30 attributes in total and each lesson has a short video and a number of thought provoking questions, which are the "juice" of the work. The more time you dedicate to these questions, the greater your transformation will be. We suggest putting aside one hour per week day for the duration of the course.

  • There are over 45 videos, 8 pdf transcripts, a couple of multimedia presentations and a huge resource section. Overall, plan to gift yourself between 60 and 70 hours for Reclaiming the Goddess Within!

What People are Saying:

Retrieval of the Goddess Within

“I'm beyond grateful for Wayne and Sharon McNaughton's generosity for sharing their wisdom, love and support throughout this beautiful course. There has been a shift in my BEING! Most of my life has been in overwhelm with doing, doing, doing....always so busy with what needs to get done. During these last 6 weeks, I have embraced and allowed myself to take time out for me without feeling guilty. I am allowing more sacred time and space. During some of recent life challenges, I have tuned in just to listen to Sharon's beautiful and soothing voice. Honestly, it's like listening to an angel when she speaks. I love the fact that as women, we could allow ourselves to be vulnerable and speak our truth with Wayne present, as he is so kind, compassionate and tender. Wayne and Sharon are brilliant! They show up with such authenticity, held a sacred space for us all, and truly put their hearts and soul into this course. I don't want it to end. I am hopeful to have access to the videos after this course so that I may listen to my Sharon's beautiful and soothing voice. Thank you both for the gift you have been and continue to be in my life. With deep gratitude, Santana ”


Santana Hahn

“Share testimonials about you, your course, or your content. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network to get some glowing words about the work you’ve done. Most potential students will look to the opinions of others when making purchase decisions online.”

Author's role

Author's name

“Share testimonials about you, your course, or your content. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network to get some glowing words about the work you’ve done. Most potential students will look to the opinions of others when making purchase decisions online.”

Author's role

Author's name


Facilitator Bio:

It takes a 'Journey of Discovery' to learn who you are meant to be! Like so many others, I have found myself through ‘Birth by Fire’ and the ‘Pain of Progress’ in what most of us know to be The Classroom of Life itself. Not content to live a life of mediocrity, I began a journey of self-improvement and personal growth from my early forties, aspiring and committed to living my life to my fullest potential. Breaking free of the confines of living a life defined by conventional demands and limiting beliefs of past introjections, pain and paradigms became both my quest and the path to personal liberation. Supported by the love of my family and the friends who saw through the shroud of my poor self-esteem, I finally discovered my greatest truth; that I am Worthy of a great love and a great life. And this is how I live today, savouring the joy and liberating power of self-acceptance! Deeply believing in the the Wonder of the Gift of Life, it is my greatest desire and commitment to help others return to Wholeness and live their own lives to the fullest expression of who they are meant to be! My unique approach and in addition to my certification in the Equine Gestalt Method, is a fantastical photographic journey in the presence of the horse and through playful representation of personal archetypes that bring balance and fullness to the whole, helping my clients to re-discover their forgotten selves through what I call ’Fantastical You’, the incredibly fantastic You that lives within!

Sharon McNaughton

Goddess Facilitator


Facilitator Bio:

My mission is … to personally seek freedom and liberation from the “struggle” of the human egoic mind and to find that place of silence and peace within, in spite of the chaos and busy-ness of normal human life. As I walk this path, with guidance from my mentors, coaches and “internal star”, I offer those who seek the same awareness, to join me as a fellow traveller in your journey Home. I am a seeker of the Truth and my Mission is: to inspire, ignite and guide those women and men who are seeking to Raise their Human Consciousness, Return to the Great Mother and Help Balance the Energies of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

Wayne McNaughton

Practitioner of Psycho-Spiritual Transformation

Pricing options

The Next Course Starts Soon:

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