Goddess Awaken 1 - Inward Connection
Welcome, Thank you and Course Structure
A Message from Your Facilitators
Why Wayne!
How To Use this Course
Before we begin...
Who and What is a Present Day Goddess - Part 1
Who and What is a Present Day Goddess - Part 2
Who and What is a Present Day Goddess - Part 3
How Do We Start to Embody, Integrate and Embrace Our Own Inner Goddess?
Let's Begin
Practice Self-Love
Radiate Your Inner Beauty
Own Your Voice
Write in Your Journal
Connect to Nature
Meditate Daily
Tap Into Your Breath
Look Into Your Closet
The Space Around You
Have More Fun
Create a Life You Love
Commune with Your Higher Self
Eat High Vibrational Foods
Live a Life of Intention
Stroke Your Sensual Senses
Be Creative, Express Yourself
Set Boundaries - Saying "No"
Pamper Yourself
Move Your Body
Create a Sacred Altar
Live in Sync and Flow
Do Less, Be More
Reverence for Life
Living in Congruence with Your Values
Embrace Your Sensuality and Sexuality
Andante, Andante
The Attitude of Gratitude
Feeling Good in Your Own Skin
Join the Sisterhood
Sleep Well
Close Out
My Inner Goddess ~ A Prose
Reconnecting with Our Divine Feminine
1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid 2019
Congrats! Here's what's next...
More resources for you
Before you go...
A last minute added bonus ....
This course is a cohort-based facilitated learning experience. There will be up to 12 Goddesses who will be enrolled in the course alongside you, where you will join a Sisterhood who will support you, as you support them in Reclaiming their Goddess. Below, you will find a description of the course outline:
Each week, for 8 weeks, we will join together on Zoom to share our experiences of the previous weeks work. There is therefore 16 hours of directly facilitated learning, however, if you are not able to make a Zoom session, they are recorded and uploaded to the course community page.
Each week another module will be automatically unlocked and you will be able to access the next 5 Goddess attributes. There are 30 attributes in total and each lesson has a short video and a number of thought provoking questions, which are the "juice" of the work. The more time you dedicate to these questions, the greater your transformation will be. We suggest putting aside one hour per week day for the duration of the course.
There are over 45 videos, 8 pdf transcripts, a couple of multimedia presentations and a huge resource section. Overall, plan to gift yourself between 60 and 70 hours for Reclaiming the Goddess Within!
Facilitator Bio:
Facilitator Bio:
Regular price
3 x $275.00
Three-Payment Option